Terms of Usage & Privacy Policy

Terms & Conditions

Last updated - 10th May, 2020 - 10/05/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY).

By "we", "us", "our", it implies to ShadowCrypt Cyber Intelligence, not to any other company associated with it. When you use/visit our website, you hereby accept the terms and condition along with privacy police of ShadowCrypt Cyber Intelligence.

1)General Terms

  • 1. Any tool usage of our website is recorded for compliance with law and for traffic analytics audit. It may be audited while investigating breach/hack on our website(if any in future).
  • 2. While we don't regularly audit the tool and we put little to no restrictions on our website, you accept to use it wisely.
  • 3. Use of any automated script to crawl or scrape our content is strictly prohibited. Repeated use will result in IP ban and if continued, range ban or even country ban(if necessary).
  • 4. You're not allowed to use our tool against any law enforcement, government, educational, or/and non-governmental organization. If you wish to use, you may contact us via [email protected] to seek the permission by authenticating your rights on the said website/service/address.
  • 5. Exploiting any of our tool will result in instant ban as we log each queries on our website. If you're testing vulnerability in good faith to report it(if found any vulnerability), you may first inform us before you go with. Else, your IP will be banned and will be given to proper authority for applicable law and charges.
  • 6. We abide by the law of India(country) and Maharashtra(State of India), so you are obliged to accept and follow those law. Any violation will result in ban and being reported to proper authority.

  • 7. Any DDoS/hacking/exploiting attempt will result in IP being submitted to blacklists and ISPs of the IP being reported by our legal department. You are not allowed to illegally test our website. Or as long as you follow point (1.5) of General Terms.
  • 8. You accept that we may change this terms and condition along with Privacy police without notifying you. It is your duty to check it regularly if you're a regular user/visitor of the website.
  • 9. This website does not display any adult content. However, the serving of advertisement is totally based upon our ad network. So to use our website, you need to be atleast 15 years or older.

  • Privacy Policy

    General P&P

  • 1. We collect details such as IP, quer(y)ies entered and the timestamp of the use. We may use it to comply with the appropiate law and subpeonas, auditing, and other analytical purpose.
  • 2. We never share or sell the above mentioned details to any third party individual/agenc(y)ies directly. However, our advertisement network and analytics provider, Google Adsense & Google Analytics, may collect your information for serving ad purpose and analysis. You may read their terms and condition/privacy policy on their respective website.
  • 3. We may update this privacy policy at any time as mentioned in (1.8) of General Terms from Terms and Conditions.